
Physical activity is vital for children’s health, wellbeing and development, now and in the future. Physical activity has lots of health and wellbeing benefits for children. It:

● strengthens children’s bones, muscles, hearts and lung

● improves children’s coordination, balance, posture and flexibility

● helps children stay at a healthy weight

● reduces children’s risk of various diseases.

● improves confidence and sense of belonging

● Helps children relax and sleep well

● Improves concentration at school

● promotes sharing, taking turns and cooperating which enhances friendships.

Physical activity is an important part of play and learning. And when children do physical activity with you or other people, it can be a great way for them to build relationships in your family and community.

There are many different children’s PE or sports activity websites or Youtube channels.

Benefits of yoga include:

1.Enhances physical flexibility

2.Refines balance & coordination

3.Develops focus and concentration

4.Boosts self esteem and confidence

5.Strengthens mind-body connection

Yoga Website:

Cosmic Kids